Opening ceremony | team/player announcement
So this happened yesterday, seems just like he was born a few days ago…BAM, He’s 4!
OK, so those that know me, know that I have shot Action photos for years, from Little League to Professional level, but this was probably the most challenging and most fun yet!
Age group: 4,5,6
Myles being 4
I had a roller coaster of emotions during this game. After being involved with softball for the last, I don’t know…15 years (Morgan Knox)! It was hard not to yell and coach from the stands/dugout.
I wanted to get positioned for pics but didn’t want to take pics on the field like I normally do with a pass, I was afraid these 4&5 yr olds would get distracted (More than they already were)
So, I worked the dugout, trying to keep the lineup straight, take pics and answer the questions of the little ones I caught myself being that parent getting frustrated because his kid wasn’t paying attention, couldn’t keep his hat on, couldn’t pay attention, and couldn’t pay attention….lol
Then I would look out and remember Morgan being that little and remembered that one day it will click for him, that it’s just a game and he won’t be little forever. So I yelled, I cheered and enjoyed the game…and took only a few pics.
I think they did a great job! Heck, they are so little the smallest jerseys didn’t even fit.
Photos below are FREE to share as you wish!